Friday, March 11, 2011

Iain Gets Glasses!

Iain has joined the ranks of his four-eyed parents. With early onset of near-sightedness, Dr. Elliot determined it was time to clear up the details in our little man's world and get him fitted for some frames. He'll get the opportunity to wear them in over the weekend and then surprise all his kindergarten friends on Monday! He's still super cute! Nothing could change that!

When he put on his new specs for the first time, he said, "Mom, the world looks much smaller now!"

Cousins & Sisters

My sisters and I decided to get Iain, Chet and Christopher together for a cousin photo shoot so we could put together a photo gift for my dad for his birthday! It was a challenging venture but I managed to get some good shots of them in the studio. They are all three total HAMS! But super cute!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lorna's Birthday Bowl

Iain had fun with his friends at Yosemite Bowl for Lorna's 6th birthday!