Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kindergarten Volunteer Day

Our first furlough day of the school year and I spent it in Iain's classroom as a parent volunteer! It was awesome! Mrs. Willemse put me to work skinning, slicing and coring apples for a taste test. It was fun. Once the tasting was over I made a graph of everyone's favorite apple.

I also got to eat lunch in the cafeteria next to Iain and then during recess he ran to play with his friends and dragged me a long to take photos! The kids loved it and did just about anything for a picture! I enjoyed being there and look forward to more visits this year.

Iain has a lot of friends and seems to get a long with most kids. His best girlfriend is Miranda, the cute little girl pictured with him twice. She was the first friend he asked me to take photos of with him that day. She's cute and really likes Iain.

Iain is reading now, has about a half hour of homework Monday thru Thursday and is really good about sitting down with me each night to finish it up. His penmanship is improving and he has a sponge of a mind memorizing every Mother Goose poem in his anthology and reciting and singing them everywhere he goes. He'll perform on stage with his class next week for the school's art and technology showcase. The kindergartners are performing "Mother Goose on the Loose" and Iain has two poems to recite. We are excited to see it.

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